For 30 years, I have fought to save and create jobs in WestVirginia and Ohio. Bush is the first president to stop the illegalsteel dumping.
I wish the president had let the tariffs stand. However, 20 monthsis better than nothing.
Unions endorse only Democrats for the presidency.
In 1972 I asked candidate George McGovern if he realized how manycoal mining, steel or manufacturing jobs would be lost if thelegislation he was pushing passed. He said he was only a co-sponsor.
By 1982, coal employment was on the way out and theenvironmentalists had started to eliminate steel and manufacturingjobs. Many plants in the Upper Ohio Valley region closed or moved toother states.
One such plant was the former Wheeling Machine Products. It wentto Arkansas, where it was welcomed by then-Gov. Clinton to operateits plants without a union for lower wages and fewer benefits.
In 1992, Clinton campaigned for president in West Virginia withGaston Caperton as governor. I could not understand how any unioncould support Clinton, since he had been responsible for many oftheir plant closings.
In 2003, President Bush kept his word and saved many steel andcoal jobs. We still have those same environmentalists trying to stopall job creation today.
John Pollack
Senecaville, Ohio
Pollack is a former rehabilitation counselor for the United MineWorkers and later was president of The Health Plan of the Upper OhioValley.